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P = 0.56). All but one patient showed an increase in total fat mass as measured by DEXA scan after 6 months of pioglitazone treatment; indeed, the total fat content increased from a median of 15.4% (11.3-17.8) to 18.5% (12.4-20.3), which difference was significant (P = 0.05). Patient pet products satisfaction was evaluated by questionnaire and a comparison of photographs: six out of 11 patients detected small but encouraging changes in lipoatrophic pet products area, one experienced a significant amelioration of his physical appearance, two patients showed a continuous progression of their lipodystrophy, and two patients did pet products not notice any changes. Table 1. Metabolic and anthropometric changes at baseline and after 6 months of pioglitazone.aIRI, Amended insulin-resistance ratio.Values are expressed in median ± interquartile range.