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For example, research has shown that when a person goes on nutrix a typical fad diet, with little exercise, they lose as much or more muscle tissue than fat. (Scales will not tell a person this is happening, but measuring the percent of body fat regularly will.) Then, if this nutrix person goes off the diet and gains the weight back, they gain more fat back than they lost and less muscle tissue than they lost. The result is that they have more fat and less muscle tissue than before the down-up cycle and are worse off than before the diet. Again, measuring the percent of body fat will show this whereas scales will not. Of course, the way to reduce properly is through lots of exercise combined with a proper well-balanced diet. In this way it is possible for a person to actually gain muscle tissue while losing fat. Measuring the percent of body fat regularly will determine the effectiveness of the exercise-diet program being used. There are many other things measuring the percent of body fat can show.