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the pure fat component of adipose and other tissues) plus fat-free mass (FFM), with FFM including the water, protein and other non-fat components of adipose and other fat-containing tissues. Learn more about Total Body Potassium Counting . Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) DXA was originally developed to determine bone mineral density and to aid in the treatment of osteoporosis. More j. robert oppenheimer recently, j. robert oppenheimer the technique has been expanded to include the analysis of fat mass and lean body mass in addition j. robert oppenheimer to bone mass. The basic principle of DXA data acquisition is based on the differences between bone and soft tissue attenuation at high and low x-ray levels. As an x-ray beam passes through the subject, detectors register the varying levels of x-rays that are absorbed by the anatomical structures of the subject.