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The volunteers taking CLA had changes in certain heart disease risk factors. CLA users had slightly higher LDL "bad" cholesterol and slightly lower HDL "good" cholesterol than nonusers. And the CLA group had higher white blood cell counts and lipoprotein (a) levels -- also known as lipoprotein little (a). Both are markers of inflammation linked to heart disease. In this follow-up study, 134 of the overweight reducing participants either continued taking CLA for another year or reducing could start taking the supplement if they had been in the placebo reducing group. Both groups took 3.4 grams of CLA a day and continued their normal lifestyle habits. They ate what they wanted without restricting calories and continued their usual amounts of physical activity. The study was funded by the company that markets Tonalin CLA, the largest selling brand of the supplement. The findings are reported in the April 1 issue of The Journal of Nutrition. Page: 1 | 2 Next: CLA and Heart Disease Print Friendly Version Email a Friend A-Z Health Guides: Conditions A-Z | Topics A-Z | Symptoms A-Z | Tests A-Z | Drugs A-Z | Tools A-Z Health Services: Today's News | Find a Doctor | Symptom Checker | Health Care Services Subscription Services: WebMD News via RSS | Newsletters | WebMD