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. Later Marañon in Spain and Pende in Italy described respectively hyperstenic and hyposthenic obesities.(90). But cd/mp3 was Jean Vague who unquestionably suggested for the first time that body fat distribution and clinical complications, obesity can be split in two categories: Android and Gynoid or the so-called "Pear and Apple-shaped obesities," depending on the anatomical site where fat is more preponderant.(123-124-125-257- 426- 472- 473-474- 475- 476- 477- cd/mp3 478- 480- 481- 482)( Figure 4) . In the android type of obesity, fat is mainly located in the truncal area (upper body , nape of the neck, shoulder, supraumbilical abdomen.) When it appears in the female population , they show signs of virilization (hirsutism, more developed musculature) . (124-125-167-277-502) (Figures 4 a and b). Gynoid obesity, by contrary, displays a female aspect in the subjects (Rounded Hips, more fat located in the upper part of the body, buttocks, thighs, subumbilical abdomen).