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Doctors, personal trainers, and nutritionists recommend the periodic measurement of body fat for maintaining proper health status. The Accu-Measure... More Info... Personal Body Fat Tester 1 TesterWas: $19.99 Now: $18.13 available fromDashlynn.com Item Details: Features Guest mode and adult, child and athlete modes More Info... Tanita TBF-680W Body Fat Scale / Body skinfold caliper Water ScalePrice: $59.99 available fromscalesgalore.com Item Details: Features Helps track progress and see results skinfold caliper of workouts and/or diet Compact and portable for use anywhere Simple to use, and includes easy-to-follow instructions skinfold caliper Personal settings allow up to 8 users Pocket size More Info... Altus Body Fat AnalyzerPrice: $24.99 available from8 merchants Item Details: Scientific studies suggest that Garcinia suppresses , boosts energy levels, reduces the body's ability to store fat, and helps promote fat-burning thermogenesis.