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1076-1077 animalbehavior Appendix H: Body animalbehavior Composition Data Based on the Third Nationa..., pp. 1078-1103 Appendix I: Doubly Labeled Water Data Used to Predict Energy..., pp. 1104-1202 Appendix J: Association of Added Sugar Intake and Intake of ..., pp. 1203-1225 Appendix K: Data Comparing Carbohydrate Intake to Intake of ..., pp. 1226-1243 animalbehavior Appendix L: Options for Dealing with Uncertainties, pp. 1244-1249 Appendix M: Nitrogen Balance Studies Used to Estimate the Pr..., pp. 1250-1258 Biographical Sketches of Panel and Subcommittee Members, pp. 1259-1274 Index, pp. 1275-1318 Summary Tables, Dietary Reference Intakes, pp. 1319-1331 GO TO PAGE: TABLE OFCONTENTS PAGE 124 PRINTABLEPDF PAGE CHAPTER PAGE SEARCH THIS BOOK: The Open Book page image presentation framework is not designed to replace printed books.