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Weight Charts for Men Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 1959 - Male HeightSmall FrameMedium FrameLarge Frame 5'01"105-113111-122119-134 5'02"108-116114-126122-137 5'03"111-119117-129125-141 5'04"114-122120-132128-145 5'05"117-126123-136131-149 5'06"121-130127-140135-154 5'07"125-134131-145140-159 5'08"129-138135-149144-163 5'09"133-143139-153148-167 5'10"137-147143-158152-172 thetruth about fat 5'11"141-151147-163157-177 6'00"145-155151-173166-187 6'01"149-160155-173166-187 6'02"153-164160-178171-192 6'03"157-168165-183175-197 US National Center for Health Statistics - Male Height18-24 Yr.25-34 Yrs.35-44 Yrs.45-54 Yrs.55-64 Yrs. 5'02"130139146148147 5'03"135145149154151 5'04"139151155158156 5'05"143155159163160 5'06"148159164167165 5'07"152164169171170 5'08"157168174176174 5'09"162173178180178 5'10"166177183185183 5'11"171182188190187 6'00"175186192194192 6'01"180191197198197 6'02"185196202204201 North American Association for the Study of Obesity - Males HeightAll AgesHeightAll Ages 5'00"1225'09"161 5'01"1265'10"166 thetruth about fat 5'02"1315'11"171 5'03"1356'00"175 5'04"1396'01"179 5'05"1446'02"184 5'06"1486'03"- 5'07"1526'04"- 5'08"157-- US Army - Males Height17-20 Yrs.21-27