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Nine gps systems nonobese, nonsnoring control subjects (BMI, 25 SE 0.7 kg/m2; NC, 38.1 SE 0.5 cm; age, 37.5 SE 2.5 yr), nine nonobese patients with SAHS (BMI, 25.7 SE 0.4 kg/m2; NC, 39.8 SE 0.8 cm; age, 40 SE 4.2 yr), and nine obese patients with SAHS matched to the other groups for age (BMI, 34 SE 1.1 kg/m2; NC, 43.9 SE gps systems 0.6 cm; age, 40 SE 2.7 yr). Neck volume and fat gps systems content were assessed from the hard palate to the vocal cords using T1-weighted images. Percentage total body fat was 30 and 44% greater in nonobese and obese patients with SAHS, respectively, than in control subjects. Neck tissue volume was 10% greater in nonobese and 28% greater in obese patients with SAHS than in control subjects. The percentage of neck tissue volume attributed to fat was 27% greater in nonobese and 67% greater in obese patients with SAHS than in control subjects.