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Lipometer This small, portable, optical device enables researchers to measure the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue at any location in the body in a rapid, safe and non-invasive manner. Ultrasound Ultrasound measurements operate by emitting high frequency sound waves that penetrate the skin surface and pass through the fat layer, bounce off the muscle or bone, and return to the ultrasound unit. polar heart monitor The time for the transmission of the ultrasound wave is recorded and converted to a body polar heart monitor composition measurement based on comparative data. This portable technology can be used to estimate the polar heart monitor bone density of individuals using localized measurements, such as of the tibia and radius, as well as to estimate subcutaneous fat. CNRC Home | BCM Public Site | BCM Intranet | CNRC Intranet | Privacy Notices © 2004 Baylor College of Medicine USDA/ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center 1100 Bates Street, Houston, Texas 77030 Phone: (713) 798-6767 | Fax: (713) 798-7098 Houston, TX 77030 Contact Webmaster > HOME HELP FEEDBACK SUBSCRIPTIONS ARCHIVE SEARCH TABLE OF CONTENTS QUICK SEARCH: [advanced] Author: Keyword(s):