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The body fat of HFA was higher than that of the other feature articles groups (P<0.01), while the body fat of LFA was significantly higher than that of the LFR, BL and HFL groups (P<0.01), but was similar to that of the HFG and HFR groups. The body fat of WC groups and HFR were similar to each other. feature articles The percentage of internal fat (retroperitoneal+omental) were similar for the WC groups. The percentage of internal fat of the HFG, HFR and LFA groups were similar, but were significantly higher than that of the BL and LFR groups (P<0.05). The feature articles percentage of internal fat of HFA was significantly higher than that of the rest of the groups (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Short-term WC did not affect body fat content in these animals, but since weight gain became easier and weight loss became more difficult for animals in the HFG group, repeated WC may promote obesity in these rats.PMID: