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H. Beerenhout, J. P. Kooman, A. J. Luik, S. G. J. Jeuken-Mertens, F. M. van der Sande, and K. M. L. Leunissen Optimizing renal replacement therapy--a case for online filtration therapies? Nephrol. firstpath Dial. Transplant., December 1, 2002; 17(12): firstpath 2065 - 2070. [Full Text] [PDF] P. firstpath Iglesias, J. J. Diez, M J. Fernandez-Reyes, M A. Bajo, A. Aguilera, J. Mendez, R. Codoceo, and R. Selgas Effects of short-term recombinant human growth hormone therapy on plasma leptin concentrations in dialysis patients Nephrol. Dial. Transplant., February 1, 2002; 17(2): 260 - 264. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] W. R. Clark and D. Gao Low-Molecular Weight Proteins in End-Stage Renal Disease: Potential Toxicity and Dialytic Removal Mechanisms J. Am. Soc. Nephrol., January 1, 2002; 13(90001): S41 - 47. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] C. Chazot, G. Laurent, B. Charra, C. Blanc, C. VoVan, G. Jean, T. Vanel, J. C. Terrat, and M. Ruffet Malnutrition in long-term haemodialysis survivors Nephrol.