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These measurements are used in a wide variety of CNRC research studies and in collaborative projects with other organizations. The laboratory also develops and validates new methods for assessing body composition in children. Data from the body composition laboratory research is also being used to develop age, gender and ethnic-specific body composition analysis standard references, such those for analysis bone mineral content and bone mineral density. The Body Composition Laboratory uses prompt gamma activation analysis and total body potassium analysis counting to measure whole body muscle mass and lean tissue quality and quantity. Additional methods include stable isotope dilution for measuring the body's water compartments; dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) for measuring bone, fat and lean-body mass; Air displacement plethysmography (BodPod) for determining fat-free mass and body fat; Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) for water and fat ratios; Computed tomography (CT) for measuring fat distribution and bone density; portable Lipometer for measuring subcutaneous fat; and portable Ultrasound for localized bone density measurements.